A servant of the Lord awaits
1 A servant of the Lord awaits
his people’s consolation;
then in the temple courts there comes
a day of revelation:
a child is brought, a firstborn son –
a sudden recognition,
as Simeon sees his people’s hopes
are nearing their fruition.
2 The Scriptures told this child would be
the Servant of God’s pleasure,
to nurture justice, peace and joy
beyond all human measure.
Not Israel’s hope alone! This child
would bring the world’s salvation;
in him God’s promise opens wide
for every tribe and nation.
3 And yet the ageing Simeon sees
a brutal, bleak tomorrow:
this child will only bring these joys
through suffering and through sorrow;
his death and rising from the grave
complete the Servant’s story
of light that shines for Gentile eyes
and Israel’s hope and glory.
Tune: GOLDEN SHEAVES (Arthur Sullivan)
words © Martin Leckebusch / Jubilate, admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd