1 A farmer sowed his precious seed
upon the path one day,
but when the birds came down for food
they snatched it all away.
O Father, may your word be sown
deep down within my heart,
so when the devil comes to tempt,
it never shall depart.

2 And some he scattered came to rest
on rocky, stony ground,
but when the sunshine scorched the plants
not one green shoot was found.
O Father, may your Word of life
take root within my heart,
so when perplexing trials come
it never shall depart.

3 And other seedlings landed where
thick brambles sharp with thorn
sprang up, extending far and wide,
and choked the tender corn.
O Father, may your Word of power
grow strong within my heart,
so when the world's distractions come
it never shall depart.

4 But, after all the farmer's toil,
a crop was brought to birth
as healthy plants grew up from seeds
that fell on fertile earth.
O Father, Lord of harvest, come,
your Spirit's grace impart:
and may your word for evermore
be fruitful in my heart.

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Alternative tunes: ELLACOMBE (Wurttenberg Gesangbuch); THE SOWER (John Turl); FRUITFULNESS (Gill Berry)

CCL# 5939635