1 All authority is yours
Son of Man enthroned in might.
Powers and presidents and kings
are but shadows in your light.
2 As we go, through all the world,
we would heed your last command;
make disciples, teach your truth,
place the nations in your hand.
3 Help us to obey your will;
share our faith by word and deed;
in the triune name baptise
all who will your gospel heed.
4 You are with us evermore,
risen, ascended, reigning Lord.
Long as space and time shall be
we will trust your parting word.
5 Then at last, all things made new,
every tribe and tongue shall sing.
Worthy, worthy, worthy Lord!
Glory to the King of kings!
Brian Hoare (born 1935)
© Brian Hoare/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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