1 All glory be to God on high;
upon this earth his peace be given!
we bless and celebrate your name
for your great glory, God of heaven:
our thanks in festival we bring,
almighty Father, God and King!
2 O Lord of love and Lamb of God,
O Christ, the Father's only Son,
you take away a world of sin:
have mercy from your Father's throne:
at God's right hand his reign you share;
accept our praise, receive our prayer.
3 For you alone, the Holy One,
you are the Lord, Most High alone;
one with the Holy Spirit's life,
with all the Father's glory one:
as all your church her prayer outpours,
Lord Jesus Christ, all praise be yours!
Christopher Idle from Gloria in Excelsis
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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