1. All my heart this night rejoices,
as I hear,
far and near,
sweetest angel voices.
'Christ is born!' their choirs are singing,
till the air
now with joy is ringing.

2. Listen! from a humble manger
comes the call,
'One and all,
run from sin and danger!
Christians come, let nothing grieve you:
you are freed!
All you need
I will surely give you.'

3. Gather then, from every nation;
here let all,
great and small,
kneel in adoration;
love him who with love is yearning.
Hail the star
that from far
bright with hope is burning!

4. You, my Lord, with love I'll cherish,
live to you,
and with you
dying, shall not perish,
but shall dwell with you for ever.
Joy divine
shall be mine
that can alter never.

Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676),
translated Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878)