All scriptures are given by the breath of God
1 All Scriptures are given by the breath of God,
are inspired of God,
are the Word of the Lord;
all Scriptures are given by the breath of God,
and glorify his Name!
They can make you wise to a saving faith
in Jesus Christ the Lord;
they can make the man of God complete,
and are meant to be His sword!
2 So study to show yourself approved to God,
fit to use his Word,
fit to speak in his Name;
so study to show yourself approved to God,
a workman not ashamed.
They'll reprove, correct, and a training in
all righteous living afford;
they will yield up all that we need to know
of the teaching of the Lord!
3 All Scriptures are given by the breath of God,
are inspired of God,
are the Word of the Lord;
all Scriptures are given by the breath of God,
and glorify his Name!
Michael Baughen (born 1930)
© Michael Baughen/Jubilate Hymns
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