After Psalm 4
for a time of extremity

1 Answer my call, O God of grace,
Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer:
help me withstand the trials I face
when I am in despair.

2 How I am slandered, smeared by lies:
when will those schemes be overthrown?
Yet you have heard my anguished cries,
Lord, I am yours alone.

3 Let not our anger lead to sin,
but through the silent hours of night
may we reflect, and search within,
looking to you for light.

4 Surely all earthly pleasures fade,
may your eternal joys increase;
so may we sleep, no more afraid,
safe in unfailing peace.

Metre: 8 8 8 6
(Iambic with dactyl at the beginning of each line)
Suggested tunes: PROFUNDITY (John Turl), JUST AS I AM (J Barnby)

words © Emma Turl / Jubilate

CCL# 7231467