1 Arise and shine! Your light has come
as Christ dispels the night:
all nations under heaven's dome
shall cast away their deepening gloom
to seek the Lord's great light,
God's sunrise beaming bright.

2 Lift up your eyes around, and see
as people come from far:
and gladly crossing land and sea
wise men with tribute there shall be,
for truly wise they are
as those who saw the star.

3 Yet richer frankincense and gold
affirm the Saviour's praise:
wherever Jesus' name is told
new treasures now replace the old:
God's love explores new ways
and sets new hope ablaze.

4 Some worshipped once the child divine
and saw the human face;
some tasted water turned to wine,
believed the word that gave the sign,
and grew in every place
as firstfruits of his grace.

5 So those whom God in Israel blessed,
the first in Christ reborn,
with joy shall welcome all the rest
who come from north, south, east and west,
by shining splendour drawn
to greet the rising dawn.

Christopher Idle from Isaiah 60
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3800625