As with joyful songs we gather
After Psalm 81 - a psalm for a celebration
1 As with joyful songs we gather
strike the drums and tambourines,
play the strings and sound the trumpets,
echoing ancient festal scenes.
God of grace, we give you praise,
source of strength through troubled days.
2 Now once more you lift our burdens,
share the load we have to bear;
you draw near to heal and rescue
when we're tempted to despair.
Lord, your guiding voice today
cheers us on our pilgrim way.
3 Look with mercy when we grieve you
by our stubborn wandering;
teach us how to turn and follow,
welcoming the peace you bring.
Christ, arisen from the dead,
feed us with your living bread.
4 May we listen when you warn us,
love your words, obey your call;
laying down our small ambitions,
setting you above them all.
As we yield our lives to you,
Spirit come, our hearts renew!
Metre: 8 7 8 7 7 7
Suggested Tune: ALL SAINTS (Darmstadt)
words © Emma Turl / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd