As Joseph was awaking
he heard an angel sing,
'There shall be born to Mary
on earth our heavenly King.'

1 And neither was he born
in house nor yet in hall;
nor in the place of paradise,
but in an ox's stall.
Nowell, Nowell!

2 And neither was he covered
in finery so fair,
but in such humble clothing
as all the babies wear.
Nowell, Nowell!

3 And neither was he cradled
in silver nor in gold,
but in a wooden manger
to keep him from the cold.
Nowell, Nowell!

Version by Michael Perry (1942 - 1996) (Word and Music) from Anonymous English
© Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns
7 6 7 6 4

CCL# 3744808