Hévénu shalóm aléchem,
  Hévénu shalóm aléchem,  
  Hévénu shalóm aléchem,
  Hévénu shalóm, shalóm, shalóm, aléchem!

1 Because he died and is risen,
because he died and is risen,
because he died and is risen,
we now have peace with God
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


2 His peace destroys walls between us,
his peace destroys walls between us,
his peace destroys walls between us,
for only he can reconcile
us both to God.


3 'My peace I give you,' said Jesus;
'My peace I give you,' said Jesus;
'My peace I give you,' said Jesus;
'Don't let your heart be troubled,
do not be afraid.'


4 The peace beyond understanding,
the peace beyond understanding,
the peace beyond understanding,
will guard the hearts and minds
of those who pray to him.

  Hévénu... Hi!

Michael A Baughen
© Michael Baughen/Jubilate Hymns Ltd.


CCL# 99931