Behold, the road to Zion's hill
1 Behold, the road to Zion’s hill
adorned to meet the King,
with palms of triumph lifted high
the people’s praises ring.
Upon a meek, unbroken colt
the Prince of Peace appears;
he looks toward Jerusalem,
and feels the sting of tears.
2 Behold him clear the temple courts
of those who profit there,
insisting that his Father’s house
must be a house of prayer.
“Hosanna! Praise to David’s son!”
the children cry aloud;
but blinded by vindictive pride
the priests reject their God.
3 Behold, there in the upper room,
the sacred meal prepared;
then as he takes the bread and wine
a new sign is declared:
his blood will be poured out for us,
his body lifted up;
and till his kingdom comes in power,
he will not drink this cup.
4 Behold, the man of suffering
in silence stands accused,
in mocking robe and crown of thorns,
his body torn and bruised.
Misled by fear, the crowd demands
the guilty be set free,
and Christ, though wholly innocent,
must die on Calvary.
5 Behold how hands which once had healed
now bear the weight of sin;
the punishment that we deserved
was laid in full on him.
His work complete, he cries aloud,
and with his dying breath,
the King of Glory once for all
destroys the power of death.
words & music © Andrew Finden / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd