1 Beyond all knowledge is your love divine,
my Saviour, Jesus! Yet this soul of mine
would of your love, in all its breadth and length,
its height and depth, and everlasting strength,
know more and more.

2 Beyond all telling is your love divine,
my Saviour, Jesus! Yet this voice of mine
would gladly share with sinners far and near
your love which can remove all guilty fear
and give love birth.

3 Beyond all praising is your love divine,
my Saviour, Jesus! Yet this heart of mine
would sing your love, so full, so rich, so free,
which brings a rebel sinner, such as me,
back home to God.

4 O fill me, Saviour, Jesus, with your love!
renew me with your Spirit from above;
to you in simple faith let me draw near
to know, to tell, to sing your love so dear,
my Lord and king.

Jubilate Hymns version of It passeth knowledge, that dear love of thine , Mary Shekleton (1827 - 1883)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 1046419