Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
1 Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus,
children, parents, old and young;
as they joined in praise before us,
let new praises now be sung.
Praise and sing with holy wonder
God unseen but not unknown;
bless the Silence, bless the Thunder,
fragile Love upon the throne!
2 Bless the One for every creature,
deepest fin or loftiest wing;
highest, lowest, praise God's nature,
servants' slave yet highest King.
Praise the Darkness and the Mystery,
dreams and marvels yet concealed;
then by place and name and history
bless the Word of truth revealed.
3 Bless the Star of Israel's story,
cloud by day and flame at night;
praise the Fire whose mighty glory
fills the shrine with smoke and light.
Praise the Father, Son and Spirit:
freed to worship, love, adore,
earth and heaven, learn God's merit,
bless your God for evermore!
4 Bless our Guide and Friend and Lover;
praise our Water, Rock, and Sun;
Praise with joy and bless for ever
God our Saviour, everyone!
Praise our Evening and our Morning,
bless the Coming one, who came;
bless our Hope whose day is dawning,
praise one holy, living Name!
5 Blessings full and praise eternal
sing for wood and nails and blood;
Everlasting, Universal,
praise and bless the Lord our God.
Blessings, crowning all our praises,
highest, deepest, furthest, free,
bless the Christ, all praise to Jesus:
praises, blessings, glory be!
Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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