Blessed are they who listen not to evil counsel
1 Blessed are they
who listen not to evil counsel,
turn aside
from every thought of sin:
day and night,
the law of God their maker
is their joy and meditation,
well of life within.
2 Blessed are they,
for as a tree by streams of water
spreads its leaves
in bountiful displays,
bears and yields
its ripened fruit in season
so shall they in every calling
prosper all their days.
3 Blessed are they
though sinners like the chaff be scattered,
blessed are they
though winds of judgement blow;
from the Lord,
upon his righteous servants,
loving care and tender mercies
evermore shall flow.
After Psalm 1, Paul Wigmore (born 1925)
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
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