Break now the bread of life (Perry version)
1 Break now the bread of life, dear Lord, to me
as you once broke the bread beside the sea:
beyond the sacred page, I seek you, Lord;
my spirit longs for you, the living Word.
2 You are the bread of life, O Lord, to me;
your holy word, your truth, is food for me:
grant I may eat and live with you above;
teach me to love your truth, for you are love.
3 Now send your Spirit, Lord, to strengthen me,
so let him touch my eyes that I may see:
show me the truth concealed within your word;
and in your love revealed I'll see you, Lord.
4 Bless now the bread of life to me, to me,
as you once blessed the loaves by Galilee:
then shall all bondage cease, all fetters fall,
and I shall find my peace, my all in all.
Alexander Groves (1843 - 1929) and Mary A Lathbury (1841 - 1913) in a version adapted by Michael A Perry (Word and Music)(1942 - 1996)
© Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns
10 10 10 10 Iambic