After Psalm 87

   Built upon God's holy mountain:
   Prophets celebrate and sing
   of your worth beyond recounting,
   city of the eternal King!

1 Home of peace! The Lord esteems you
more than any other place,
choosing here to make his dwelling
with his family of grace.
   Built upon God's holy mountain...

2 Out of every tribe and nation
come the citizens of Heaven;
God has made them heirs together
and to each a birthright given.
   Built upon God's holy mountain...

3 In his register is listed
everyone who's born anew.
Hear the joyful songs ascending -
"all my life flows out from you!"
   Built upon God's holy mountain...

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl / admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 8 7 8 7 + refrain
Suggested tunes: DELECTABLE MOUNTAIN (John Turl), SALTASH (Plymouth Collection 1855), MORGENLIED (F C Maker)

CCL# 5534597