1 Child of mine, the Virgin sings,
child of mine, yet King of kings;
promised us by Gabriel,
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel.

2 Child of mine how can this be?
Child of mine what mystery!
But things are as God has planned;
all are safe within his hand.

3 Child of mine and gift from heaven;
child of mine that God has given.
Firstborn son, and precious boy,
born to sorrow, born to joy.

4 Child of mine, soon sorrow's dart,
child of mine, shall pierce my heart;
but great joy is rising there,
joy for all the world to share.

5 Child of mine among us now,
Jesus Christ, come show us how
Love has come to drive out fear:
all are blessed, for God is here!

David Mowbray (born 1938)
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns Ltd.

CCL# 1049210