Christ came in faith to Bethlehem
Christ came in faith to Bethlehem,
faith of the shepherds, waiting long.
Saw for themselves the promised one,
confirmed with joy the angels' song.
Christ came in hope to Bethlehem,
hope of the wise men from afar.
They knew a king had come to earth,
followed with joy the guiding star.
Christ came in love to Bethlehem,
love of the mother, lost for words.
As Mary hugged her newborn son,
cradled with joy the Lord of Lords.
Christ came that night to Bethlehem,
faith, hope and love, God's cure for sin.
Seen, yet again, on Calvary's cross,
faith, hope and love, a world to win.
Christ came for us to Bethlehem,
piercing the dark, a shining ray,
bearing our guilt, that we might know;
faith, hope and love through him today.
John Capon b.1938
© John Capon /Jubilate Hymns
Suggested tune: O waly waly