Christ, grant me grace to let you wash my feet
1 Christ, grant me grace to let you wash my feet,
and washed, to let them stand or walk or run;
as over mountain, desert, city street,
they bring good news - unlikely victory won.
2 Christ, grant me grace to wash another's feet,
and count it cause of neither shame nor boast
nor think some merit makes my work complete
since those forgiven most will love the most.
3 Christ, grant me grace to follow and believe
in you who loved me to the bitter end;
learn to receive you, as I shall receive
those you have sent, and those you will yet send.
4 Christ, grant me grace to live, obey and love,
sent to your world, commanded by your word:
content if you direct my every move,
your name be known, your kingly voice be heard.
© Christopher Idle / Jubilate Hymns
part of the podcast series: 30 Hymns: Christopher Idle with Lance & Sue Pierson
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