1 Christ is ascending! let creation sing:
suffering is ending, now Christ rules as king.
Friends who stand disheartened soon are helped to know
Christ shall come in glory, as they see him go.
Christ is ascending, let creation sing:
suffering is ending, now Christ rules as king.

2 Watch the outpouring from our Lord above,
Pentecost restoring faith and hope and love;
brothers shall see visions, sisters prophesy,
sun and stars be darkened, wonders fill the sky!

3 Come, Holy Spirit, strengthen us today:
let us each inherit gifts from Christ, we pray;
not for praise by others, but that they may give
glory to the Father by whose power we live!

David Mowbray (born 1938)
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns
10 11 11 11 and Refrain

CCL# 2278131