Christ once was sacrificed
1 Christ once was sacrificed,
Passover Lamb for us,
so let us keep the Feast this day;
purged from all stain of sin,
filled with his truth and love,
let us to Christ all homage pay.
2 Christ has been raised from death,
never to die again;
death has no power to mock his word.
We too have died to sin
to live to God alone,
raised up in Jesus Christ our Lord.
3 Christ has been raised to life,
Firstfruits of all the dead;
so all who sleep in death are raised.
Though Adam's family die
Christ's family comes alive;
for this new life his name be praised!
4 To God the Father, praise!
Praise Jesus Christ the Son!
Praise to the Spirit changelessly!
Glory to God be given
as it has ever been,
glory that evermore shall be!
Christopher Idle from the Easter Anthems
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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