Christ whose birth was long foretold
1 Christ whose birth was long foretold,
prophesied by men of old,
hailed by angels in the sky
singing praise to God on high;
all announced your gift of peace
with its pledge that strife would cease.
Prince of Peace, we greet your birth;
grant us now your peace on earth.
2 Peace to Mary in her joy,
holding close her baby boy,
and to parents everywhere,
children, too, for whom they care,
families where things go wrong,
those who feel they don't belong.
Prince of Peace, we greet your birth;
grant us now your peace on earth.
3 Peace to shepherds in the field,
first to hear the news revealed,
and to all who daily toil,
selling goods or tilling soil,
healing bodies, teaching minds,
working people of all kinds.
Prince of Peace, we greet your birth;
Grant us now your peace on earth.
4 Peace to wise men from afar,
guided by the shining star,
and to rulers, heads of state,
those entrusted with our fate,
ending war and terror's hold,
ethnic conf1icts, feuds of old.
Prince of Peace, we greet your birth;
grant us now your peace on earth.
5 Peace to all, our one true goal,
peace of body, mind and soul,
peace within the human heart.
help us all to play our part.
Let us make with one accord
peace with God through Christ our Lord.
Prince of Peace, we greet your birth;
grant us now your peace on earth.
John Capon
© J Capon / Jubilate Hymns
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Suggested tune: Humility