1 Christian, seek not yet repose,
cast your dreams of ease away:
you are in the midst of foes
watch and pray.

2 Wicked forces, evil powers,
gathered in unseen array,
wait for your unguarded hours
watch and pray.

3 Put your heavenly armour on,
wear it always night and day;
ambushed lies the evil one
watch and pray.

4 Hear, above all, hear your Lord;
love him, serve him and obey,
treasure in your heart his word
watch and pray.

5 Watch, as if on that alone
hung the issue of the day;
pray that victory shall be won
watch and pray.

Jubilate Hymns version of 'Christian, seek not yet repose', by Charlotte Elliott (1789 - 1871)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3568084