Come, all you good people and burst into song!
1 Come all you good people and burst into song!,
be joyful and happy, your praises prolong;
remember the birthday of Jesus our king,
who brings us salvation: his glory we sing.
2 His mother, a virgin so gentle and pure
was told of God's promise, unchanging and sure,
foretelling the birthday of Jesus our king,
who brings us salvation: his glory we sing.
3 To Bethlehem hurried the shepherds amazed,
with stories of angels and heavens that blazed,
proclaiming the birthday of Jesus our king,
who brings us salvation: his glory we sing.
4 So come let us honour the babe in the hay
and give him our homage and worship today!
recalling the birthday of Jesus our king,
who brings us salvation: his glory we sing
Michael Saward (born 1932)
© Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns
11 11 11 11 Anapaestic