Come and praise the King of Glory
Come and praise the King of Glory,
born for us in poverty:
Jesus, Saviour, Lord most worthy,
Raised to highest majesty!
1 Prophets, speak his wondrous name:
'Mighty God', 'the Prince of Peace'.
Come and praise the King of Glory,
see his kingdom still increase:
Jesus, Saviour, Lord most worthy,
Christ whose reign shall never cease.
2 Mary, greet your Child with joy,
your Redeemer's mercy tell.
Come and praise the King of Glory,
sent from heaven on earth to dwell:
Jesus, Saviour, Lord most worthy,
Son of God, Emmanuel.
3 Shepherds, hear the angels sing,
leave your fears - no longer stray.
Come and praise the King of Glory -
grace from God is ours today:
Jesus, Saviour, Lord most worthy,
Lamb who takes our sins away.
4 Wise men, guided by his star,
lay your treasures at his feet.
Come and praise the King of Glory
As in heaven he takes his seat:
Jesus, Saviour, Lord most worthy,
now enthroned, his work complete.
5 Let's unite to worship him,
Christ who died to set us free.
Come and praise the King of Glory,
Born in deep humility:
Jesus, Saviour, Lord most worthy,
crowned for all eternity!
Some verses may be omitted depending on the season.
Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 7 7 + refrain (8 7 8 7)