1 Come and sing the Christmas story
this holy night!
Christ is born: the hope of glory
dawns on our sight.
Alleluia! earth is ringing
with a thousand angels singing
hear the message they are bringing
this holy night.

2 Jesus, Saviour, child of Mary
this holy night,
in a world confused and weary
you are our light.
God is in a manger lying,
self effacing, wealth denying
life embracing, death defying
this holy night.

3 Lord of all! Let us acclaim him
this holy night;
king of our salvation name him,
throned in the height.
Son of Man let us adore him,
all the earth is waiting for him;
Son of God we bow before him
this holy night.

From Psalm 8. Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
8 4 8 4 8 8 8 4

CCL# 2792741