1 Come, let us worship the Christ of creation!
he set the numberless stars in their flight,
guiding the planets in accurate orbit:
King of the universe, rule us in might!

2 He is the image, the clear revelation;
in him there glows all the glory divine,
radiant in splendour, dispersing the shadows:
Light of the world, in our hearts ever shine!

3 He is our brother, the true incarnation;
unknown to many, disowned by his race;
he was forsaken, despised and rejected:
suffering Servant, we share your disgrace.

4 He is our saviour, our hope of redemption;
he won our freedom, the victim who died;
spotless and perfect, his life-blood he yielded:
Lamb of atonement, dispel all our pride!

5 He is our victor in whose resurrection
death is defeated, that we may receive
life for eternity, hope and forgiveness:
Lord of the grave, help us now to believe!

6 He is the giver who, since his ascension,
comes by his Spirit with gifts from above;
fills and renews us and gives us his kingdom:
Jesus, we long for the fruits of your love.

7 He is our monarch, enthroned in the heavens,
coming in triumph; yes, coming again!
Sin will be banished and we shall be with him:
come, then, in majesty! come, Lord, and reign!

Michael Saward (born 1932) and Frank Allred (born 1923)
© Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns
11 10 11 10 Dactylic

CCL# 3828092