Come, Lord, to make yourself at home
1 Come, Lord, to make yourself at home
and take your rightful place;
let glory shine from every room,
a dwelling filled with grace.
2 Your wisdom touched the early plans
before they came to be;
your strength was in the builders' hands
with seasoned carpentry.
3 You gave the wood, the brick, the stone,
you loved us long before;
so grant your light to everyone
who enters at our door.
4 The bread we break, the cup we drink,
you share among us still;
let all we do and say and think
reflect your perfect will.
5 Our going out, our coming in
be governed by your care;
each task we finish or begin
shall find you with us here.
6 So stay with us, much-travelled Friend,
with us receive and give;
at dawn or noon or journey's end
in you, our Lord, we live.
Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd