I Come, praise the name of Jesus
for all his gracious powers,
our only God and Saviour
who makes his goodness ours;
he calls us to his kingdom,
the Lord of life and death,
to see his face in glory
and know him now by faith.

2 His virtue and his wisdom,
endurance, self control,
his godliness and kindness,
his love which crowns them all -
this is his royal nature
that we are called to share,
his robe of perfect beauty
that we are given to wear.

3 We see his shining splendour
in every sunless place
where Christ, the light of nations,
appears in truth and grace.
Transfigured by his likeness
we make the vision known,
reflecting in our faces
the radiance of his own.

4 The king of grace inspires us
to love him more and more,
to grasp our hope more firmly
and make our calling sure.
Christ Jesus, Lord and Saviour,
to this dark world you came;
and for the dawn of heaven,
we praise your holy name.

Christopher Idle from 2 Peter 1
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 6 7 6 D Iambic

CCL# 975529