Come to a world of need
1 Come to a world of need,
Lord Christ, our risen Head;
make known your power in word and deed
to raise the living dead!
Our days are but a breath
and earth exhausts its span;
you break the vicious rule of death
and give new life to man.
2 Come, and stretch out your hand
to take away our fears;
despair shall fade at your command
and songs replace our tears.
The victory has been won,
the grave has met defeat;
at last its power to hurt has gone
your triumph is complete.
3 Come, and our death is gain,
our faith and hope secure,
our bodies rescued from their pain,
our resurrection sure.
In you we live and die
who died and rose again;
Lord Jesus Christ, ascended high,
come in your power and reign!
Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd