Creation's vast treasure
Creation's vast treasure
yields joys none can measure;
its beauties, its secrets,
are wondrous and wild.
The wisdom that made them,
the power that arrayed them,
are seen in a child's eyes:
the Bethlehem child.
The meaning and mystery
of all human history
are found in the manger
where this baby lies -
the lore of the sages,
the insights of ages,
seem dull by the brightness
that shines from his eyes.
To those worn by sorrow,
who dread each tomorrow,
the warmth of his kindness
is love's great surprise;
but justice, where broken,
and falsehood, when spoken,
have no hope of refuge
from his searching eyes.
The Holy One gave us
his Son, born to save us:
his welcome is fervent,
his mercies are mild.
Bow humbly before him,
revere and adore him,
the Lord of all glory,
the Bethlehem child.
Martin E Leckebusch (b.1962)
© Martin E Leckebusch, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 6 6 6 5 D
Tune: THE ASH GROVE (Traditional)