Creator God, the world around
declares your glory - flower and tree,
the evening sky and torrent's sound,
the mountain stream and rolling sea.
Yet all this beauty cannot show
the God whom we can truly know.

Composer God, all music sings
your praise - your power, your majesty -
in drum and trumpet, flute and strings,
in choir and song and symphony.
Yet music which inspires our praise
can never fathom all your ways.

Designer God, in shape and form
the beauty you inspire is shown:
in line and colour, etched or drawn,
in sculpture, painting, glass and stone.
Yet all these talents can't express
the full truth of your loveliness.

Mysterious God, though all the arts
of nature or of human skill
may move us: yet our longing hearts
are never satisfied until
in Jesus Christ you show your face:
a God of love and truth and grace.

Brian Hoare (b.1935)
© Brian Hoare, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 8 8 8 8 88

CCL# 5776609