Do not place your trust in princes (Psalm 146)
Words: Joel Stamoolis
Music: Joel Stamoolis
Metre: 8 7 8 7 D
1 Do not place your trust in princes, human powers who can not save, for their plans will perish with them in the stillness of the grave. Blessed are those who hope in Yahweh, God of Jacob, Lord of all, he who made the earth and heavens, every creature, great and small. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, O my soul! Hallelujah! Oh, praise the Lord, our faithful God, who reigns forevermore! 2 Praise the Lord, whose faithful justice comes to rescue the oppressed, fills the aching of the hungry, frees the captive into rest. Eyes once blind behold His kindness, humble hearts to heaven are raised, for the righteous are surrounded by his steadfast love and grace. 3 Stranger, come: there is a refuge in the heart of God above, where the fatherless and widow know the shelter of his love, steadfast love that judges evil, hears each prayer the humble bring. Place your trust, now and forever in the Lord, our faithful King!
words & music © Joel Stamoolis / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd
Winner of the Church of the Servant 2023 New Psalm Contest,
in memory of Ben Fackler