Draw near and take the body of the Lord
[Modernised Version]1 Draw near and take the body of the Lord
and drink by faith the blood for you outpoured:
2 Saved by that body and that holy blood,
with souls refreshed give humble thanks to God.
3 Christ our redeemer, God's eternal Son,
once by his cross and blood the victory won:
4 He gave his life for greatest as for least;
himself the victim and himself the priest.
5 Victims were offered by the law of old
shadows themselves, of Jesus' death they told:
6 Lord of all life and saviour of our race,
Christ has restored our hope and brought us grace.
7 Approach him now with trusting hearts sincere
and take the pledges of salvation here:
8 Christ who in this life all his saints defends,
gives to believers life that never ends.
9 He feeds the hungry with the bread of heaven
to those who thirst his living streams are given:
10 Judge of the nations, all to him must bow,
the king of ages, he is with us now.
Jubilate Hymns version of 'Sancti venite, Corpus Christi sumite', Antiphony of Bennchar (7th century) translated by John Mason Neale (1818 - 1866)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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