1 Everywhere the skies declare the glory of the Lord!
Day after day they shout his praise,
night after night they show his ways;
everywhere their voice is heard,
in every corner of the world
the glory of the Lord,
the glory of the Lord!

2 Everywhere the sun declares the glory of the Lord!
And like a bridegroom in his fame,
a champion running in the game,
everywhere it shines abroad,
in every corner of the world
the glory of the Lord,
the glory of the Lord!

3 Everywhere his word declares the glory of the Lord!
His perfect law revives the soul,
his promises our hearts console;
everywhere his voice is heard,
in every corner of the world
the glory of the Lord,
the glory of the Lord!

4 Everywhere his saints declare the glory of the Lord!
And they don't try to hide their blame,
but come to him in Jesus' name;
everywhere their lives record,
in every corner of the world
the glory of the Lord,
the glory of the Lord!

After Psalm 19, Barbara Woollett (born 1937)
© Barbara Woollett/Jubilate Hymns
13 8 8 7 8 6 6

CCL# 989838