1 For all our seven churches
that grew from God's good seed,
each planted, watered, nurtured,
for life and health we plead:
where songs of Christ's arising
with joy begin the week,
our God of gifts surprising
is found by all who seek.

2 The stars and skies and seasons,
the rainbow, cloud and sun,
provide a million reasons
to worship God alone:
the winding roads invite us
by farm and field and stream;
one Way alone will light us
safe home, set free, redeemed.

3 Our heritage of history:
grey towers among green trees
where we declare God's mystery
in sacrifice of praise;
we tell in great thanksgiving
where miracles begin,
how Christ the ever-living
once died to bear our sin.

4 The centuries behind us
two thousand years of grace
their very stones remind us
to seek the Saviour's face.
The saints now raised in glory,
the toil of God's own poor:
he shares the struggling story
of all who went before.

5 The treasures we inherit,
our name, our need he knows.
and pours on us his Spirit
from whom all loving flows:
let us, his precious purchase,
our witness here record:
among his seven churches
the risen Christ is Lord.

(In line 1, ‘chosen’ or ‘village’ may replace ‘seven’.)

Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 6 7 6 D Iambic


CCL# 3800814