1 For God so loved the world he gave his only Son,
who came to die that we might ever live;
and on a cruel cross our full redemption won,
that we might know the peace he longs to give:
though he was rich, he came alone and poor for us;
though he was Lord, he served as if a slave;
though he was God, our human shape he bore for us;
to earth he came in love, his own to seek and save.

2 Yes God so loved the world he gave his only Son,
who came to die that we might ever live;
and on a cruel cross our full redemption won,
that we might know the peace he longs to give:
though he was rich, he came alone and poor for us;
though he was Lord, he served as if a slave;
though he was God, our human shape he bore for us;
to earth he came in love, his own to seek and save.

Michael Perry (Word and Music) (1942 - 1996) from John 3, 2 Corinthians 8 and Philippians 2
©Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns


CCL# 2828581