Forgive, bless, direct us, Lord,
and make our hearts your own,
ever open to your will
and ruled by you alone.

Forgive, forgive, our sin, Lord,
those things that are not right.
Forgive, forgive our failure
to live the way we should.

Forgive, bless, direct us, Lord...

Bless and hold and keep us, Lord,
in your undying love;
your love that's ever with us,
around us and within.

Forgive, bless, direct us, Lord...

Direct us on our journey,
our steps along life's road:
at each turn to see your way
and go that way with you.

Forgive, bless, direct us, Lord,
and make our hearts your own,
ever open to your will
and ruled by you alone.

So shall we live with you, Lord,
rejoicing in your love,
tasting while we're here on earth
the joy of heav'n above,
the joy of heav'n above.

© 2006 John Miller / admin The Jubilate Group
7 6 7 6 + refrain