After Psalm 32

1 Forgiven by the Lord - what joy
when pardon is complete,
our guilt removed, our conscience cleansed
from cunning and deceit.

2 My voice was lost in endless sighs
and I refused to pray,
until the stress, like searing heat,
sapped all my strength away.

3 At last I recognised my sin
admitting what I'd done,
confessed my failures, Lord, to you -
and you forgave each one.

4 Protect us when disaster strikes
and death and doom destroy,
to find in you our hiding-place
amid resounding joy.

5 Watch over us and be our guide,
directing what we do;
and may we heed your counsel, Lord,
resolved to learn from you.

6 In times of trouble give us grace
to see your loving ways
and, with forgiveness in our hearts,
to join in songs of praise.

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 8 6 8 6 (CM) / Suggested tune: CONTEMPLATION (Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley)

CCL# 6134532