From highest heaven where praises ring
1 From highest heaven where praises ring
from highest heaven where praises ring
good news I bring good news I bring
songs to sing songs to sing :
'Jesus is born to be your king!'
'Jesus is born to be your king!'
2 He who in majesty arrayed
he who in majesty arrayed
without our aid without our aid,
all has made all has made:
see him in humble manger laid,
see him in humble manger laid.
3 Let human power and pomp and pride
let human power and pomp and pride,
both far and wide both far and wide,
be denied be denied:
God is come down at Christmastide
God is come down at Christmastide
4 To God the Father, Spirit, Son
to God the Father, Spirit, Son,
the Three-in-One the Three-in-One,
praise be done praise be done
for grace and hope this day begun
for grace and hope this day begun!
Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
8 4 3 8 and echoes