Give thanks to God who runs to meet us now
1. Give thanks to God, who runs to meet us now
With open arms that welcome and hold fast.
God’s Son, the Christ, has brought God’s Kingdom near;
In Him we find ourselves made free at last.
2. Give thanks for prophets, saints and faithful friends
Whose memory, hope and love our faith renew.
They lend us strength when we are weak or scorned,
And show God’s promises are kind and true.
3. Give thanks for God’s great covenant of old,
That all may be set free, and none a slave.
So shall we live to praise and not to fear,
To worship now and sing beyond the grave.
4. Give thanks for those who dare to lead the way,
Whose faithful living shows us how to live;
Who challenge sin and call us to return
To God who, just and faithful, will forgive.
5. Give thanks to God whose love is tenderness
To those near death, in pain, or ill at ease.
God’s light will shine in Christ, our Morning Star,
And guide our feet into the way of peace.
6. To God our Father, Lord of heav’n and earth,
And Jesus Christ our Saviour, Lord and friend,
And to the Holy Spirit, Lord of truth,
Be glory, thanks and praises without end.
Alternative tune: FARLEY CASTLE
words © Donald Wetherick / Jubilate,
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd