1 Give thanks to God the LORD,
By all be he adored,
His grace endures for ever;
How good to all he's made!
Our grateful thanks be paid,
His grace endures for ever.
Give thanks to God supreme,
All gods must bow to him,
His grace endures for ever;
O thank the Lord of all,
All lords before him fall,
God's grace endures for ever.
2 God's wondrous works surprise,
His wisdom spread the skies,
His grace endures for ever;
He brought the seas to birth
And on them laid the earth,
His grace endures for ever.
Give thanks to him who made
The great lights overhead,
His grace endures for ever;
The blazing sun at noon,
Night's spatkling stars and moon,
God's grace endures for ever.
3 God's judgment fell upon
All Egypt's eldest born,
His grace endures for ever;
But he redeemed his race
By sovereign power and grace,
His grace endures for ever.
He cut the sea in two
And Israel journeyed through,
His grace endures for ever;
But when the Red Sea closed
It swallowed Pharaoh's host,
God's grace endures for ever.
4 Thank him who led his race
Through Sinai's desert waste,
His grace endures for ever;
He struck down many a crown
Of power and high renown,
His grace endures for ever:
Sihon the Amorite
And Og the Bashanite,
His grace endures for ever;
God slew them, and their lands
He placed in Israel's hands,
God's grace endures for ever.
5 Give thanks to God above
Who thought on us in love,
His grace endures for ever;
He saw when we were low
And saved us from our foe,
His grace endures for ever.
Give thanks to him who feeds
All creatures in their needs,
His grace endures for ever;
O let our thanks be given
To God who reigns in heaven:
God's grace endures for ever.
Psalm 136, David G. Preston
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns
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