1 God of overarching splendour,
endless praise, enduring worth,
you appoint your Son as Sovereign
for the nations of the earth:
May he demonstrate your justice,
and deliver upright laws
to defend the disadvantaged
and support the victim’s cause.

2 Let the name of Christ be honoured,
unsurpassed in time and space;
may his Spirit fall like showers,
bringing life-renewing grace.
Everywhere let grateful people
offer gifts for hope restored,
while both refugee and ruler
yield their lives to him as Lord.

3 Filled with pity for the helpless,
ever precious in his eyes,
may he ransom them from ruin,
touched by their imploring cries.
So may each receive a blessing
and the burdened find release,
as they flourish in your kingdom –
home of righteousness and peace!

Emma Turl

Based on Psalm 72 and other Scripture verses
Suggested tunes: Lux Eoi (Sullivan), Fire of God (Wilson)

words © Emma Turl / Jubilate admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 7123116