God the mighty Lord resplendent
After Psalm 50
1 God, the mighty Lord resplendent
sets a time for taking stock,
with the living world as witness
and his people in the dock.
He has weighed our hidden motives,
he perceives each broken vow;
let us heed his solemn warning
and reflect upon it now.
2 Do we bring to God our worship
when our hearts are full of pride,
and forget that all we offer
he himself has first supplied?
He created hill and forest,
herds of cattle, mountain-birds:
let us humbly come before him
giving thanks in more than words.
3 Do we dare recite the Scriptures
yet despise the message there
and encourage thieves and liars,
thinking God will never care?
May the Lord of love and justice
cleanse our thoughts and guide our ways
as we turn to him in sorrow,
seeking grace for future days.
4 When we call, O God, in trouble,
through misfortune, guilt or shame,
you have promised to restore us,
bringing glory to your name.
May we hear your voice and follow:
grant us, Lord, a clearer view
of your passion for deliverance
and the joy of serving you!
words © Emma Turl / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd
Suggested Tunes: CALON LÂN, DIM OND IESU