1 God be with them! as they stand
heart in heart and hand in hand
making first to heaven above
vows of faithfulness and love.

2 God be with them! as they go
by the path their Lord will show,
each to work with ready will
heaven's purpose to fulfil.

3 God be with them! as they share,
gladly for each other care;
serving Christ in all they do,
with affection, kind and true.

4 God be with them! as they pray
through a dark and troubled day,
learning then in pain and loss
how to share the Master's cross.

5 God be with them! as they sing
through the joys that life will bring
till they find that deathless love
in the better home above.

Version by Michael Perry (1942 - 1996) (Pseudonym: Word and Music) of the hymn God be with them as they stand Lawrence Tuttiett (1825 - 1897)
© Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 7 7 7 Trochaic

CCL# 3406658