1 God of every tribe and nation
Lord of continents and seas,
Architect of earth's salvation
to its furthest boundaries:
come, renew your whole creation,
come to heal this world's disease.

2 Christ whose cross and resurrection
gives new hope to every race,
let us see your own reflection
shining out from every face;
every colour and complexion
consecrated by your grace.

3 Holy Spirit, life-creating,
turning silence into song,
all our deep desires translating
into prayers in every tongue:
speak with fervour unabating
truths that make your people strong.

4 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
bring an end to earth's despair!
by your grace let us inherit
peace beyond our boldest prayer;
worlds remade shall sing your merit,
heavens renewed your praise declare.

Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 7. 8 7. 8 7.

CCL# 3800876