1 God of grace, whose love eternal
brings us life in Christ your Son,
help us listen, give us vision,
in your body make us one.
May we grow in true believing,
showing faith by words and deeds,
every day fresh grace receiving -
Lord, through us your will be done.

2 God of mercy, grant forgiveness
when our inward-looking mind,
joyless living, costless giving,
stifle love for humankind.
In his image, Lord, remake us,
who for our sake gave his life;
by your Spirit onward take us,
filled, refreshed and re-aligned.

3 God of power which knows no limit,
may the gospel's changeless sound
now transform us and our mission
to the changing world around.
Come and forge our timid coldness
in the furnace of your love,
into humble, holy boldness -
lives where power and praise abound.

4 God of grace and power and mercy,
holy, blessed Trinity,
in the love of Christ refresh us
as we listen, as we see;
then we'll share salvation's story
in our life together here -
yours the kingdom, power and glory
now and for eternity.

Derek Baldwin (b. 1944)
© Derek Baldwin, administered by The Jubilate Group
Metre / Suggested tune: 8 7 8 7 D / ABBOT'S LEIGH; HYFRODOL; BLAENWERN; ODE TO JOY

CCL# 6136293