God of hope and Lord of healing
1 God of hope and Lord of healing, we come to you in prayer;
in our living, in our dying, you promise to be there.
For the weak we ask your courage, and your patience for the strong;
stay with those whose pain is sharpest and those enduring long:
and provide for all the weary your precious gift of sleep;
with the glad let us be joyful, and weep with those who weep.
2 By the grace of your forgiveness, by virtue of your word,
by the sacrament which brings us the comfort of our Lord;
by the life he freely gave us, and the cross to which he came,
by the glory of his kingdom, the power of his name:
come to meet your praying people, be with us as we kneel;
come to help us, God our Saviour, for you alone can heal.
Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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