1 God of light and life's creation,
reigning over all supreme,
daunting our imagination,
prospect glorious yet unseen:
Lord, whom earth and heaven obey,
turn towards this house today!

2 God of alien, God of stranger,
named by nations of the earth;
poor and exile in a manger,
God of harsh and humble birth,
let us all with love sincere
learn to welcome strangers here.

3 God of justice in our nation,
fearing neither rich nor strong,
granting truth its vindication,
passing sentence on all wrong:
Lord, by whom we die or live,
hear, and as you hear, forgive!

4 God the Father, Son, and Spirit,
Trinity of love and grace,
through your mercy we inherit
word and worship in this place:
let our children all their days
to this house return with praise!

Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
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CCL# 963531